The Bible is possibly the most transformative book in the world. Once you have read it, you can never be the same again. Back in the year 2009 when I was going through my "Book of Job" years, I read and listened to the Bible cover-to-cover over 10 times to try to understand why God had inflicted the pain he did on me by taking away almost everything I held near and dear. I settled upon the "Book of Job." I could not understand why He had done what He had done. Through my entire time of suffering, I clung to the Cross for dear life. What I did not realize is what effect reading the Bible over and over again and meditating on God's word would do to me. This, along with actually witnessing many miracles soon after my Baptism in 2009 transformed me from the inside out. The miracles I saw could only be explained by Divine providence, not by the hand of man. It was impossible for man to do these things. Only a much greater power could do these things. I was changed --- transformed --- completely. The old self had died and the new was born. The Baptism took on real meaning. In the years that followed, many old friends who had known me for many years, would say, "dude, you have really changed...!" I would smile and say, "Yes, I have."
The Bible is a transformative book. I would encourage everyone to spend 30 minutes every day reading it, and if you cannot spare that, at least 10 minutes daily. It will change you from the inside out as it did me. You will never look at the world with the same lens again. We all look at the world through our own "filters" of past experience...through the filters of pain and suffering and joy, and through the highs and lows we have been through to bring us to this point in time. After being transformed by the Bible, you will view the world through new filters --- through a new perspective --- a Biblical perspective and you will develop a Biblical worldview. You will never be the same person again.
The Bible is a transformative book. I would encourage everyone to spend 30 minutes every day reading it, and if you cannot spare that, at least 10 minutes daily. It will change you from the inside out as it did me. You will never look at the world with the same lens again. We all look at the world through our own "filters" of past experience...through the filters of pain and suffering and joy, and through the highs and lows we have been through to bring us to this point in time. After being transformed by the Bible, you will view the world through new filters --- through a new perspective --- a Biblical perspective and you will develop a Biblical worldview. You will never be the same person again.