While Scripture recognizes diversity among human groups based on geography, language, ancestry, and spiritual state, it stresses the unity of all people as made in God’s image and as descendants of Adam and Eve. Furthermore, God created humankind in His image, which implies equality among all people (Genesis 1:26–27). As image bearers, humans are to live harmoniously with each other and reflect the character of a God who “shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34). The first human, Adam, is racially unidentifiable. The Hebrew term Adam simply means “humankind” and makes no reference to race. In fact, the divisions of humankind into people groups are not introduced until Genesis 10. Hence, Adam and Eve do not belong to an identifiable ethnic or national group, but rather represent the origin of all people.
Even when it refers to divisions among humankind, Scripture does not employ the concept of race to do so, but rather refers to ethnicity. The term ethnicity, drawn from the Greek word for nations (ethnos, έθνος), is used to classify humanity based not on physical traits but on shared cultures, religions, land, laws, and languages. Indeed, in Abraham’s call in Genesis 12, God promised to bless “all the families of the earth” through Abraham and his offspring. Quoting Isaiah (56:7), Jesus emphasized that the temple should be “a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). This recognition of equality is echoed in Paul’s statement that Jews and Gentiles “are all one in Jesus Christ” (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:11–19).
Nevertheless, the unity of the human race should not be understood as antagonistic to its diversity. As the triune God is three persons, yet one being, who exist in perfect harmony and union with each other, our unity should also encompass unity within diversity. Whereas only Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden (representing one culture), the New Jerusalem (and Heaven) will be filled with a great multitude of people from every nation, tribe, and language coming together to worship God (Revelation 7:9–12). “The glory and honor” of distinct “nations” will enter the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:26). God wishes to exist with and bless a diverse multitude of believers from every corner of the world. Diversity among believers is clearly God’s ultimate design for the human race. Hence, ethnocentrism in the Church opposes God’s plan and is therefore sinful. In a plain sentence, Racism, therefore, is sinful.
Having said all of this, people often have very strong prejudices, biases or preferences which cannot be easily undone. This is normal and natural. People generally (with exceptions of course) gravitate toward their own kind --- people of their own race, national origin, accent, and skin color. There can be aversion or mistrust for certain other skin colors or accents, which is not present at birth, but develops as time progresses, based upon our experiences in life. Again, this is normal and natural, and I would not categorize this as racism.
I, for one, am strongly attracted to the white skin color. Always have, always will. I have only ever dated white women, and under no circumstances would I ever consider dating someone of a different skin color because I am simply not romantically attracted to them. This doesn't make me racist. It simply makes me partial to one skin color over others in matters of choice of my significant other or spouse.
Yes, I confess that over ninety (90) percent of my friends are white. Yet the other ten (10) percent come from all nationalities, ethnic origins and skin colors. I don't discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation, but I also don't go around appeasing people of different races or sexual orientations just for the sake of appeasing them as our "woke" culture is apt to do.
We are a land of opportunity for every race, religion, color, creed, ethnicity and national origin. This is why people from all over the world clamor to come here. We are the land of opportunity, and I have seen people of all colors, ethnicities, religions, and national origins be hugely successful and make millions here, because of their education, their hard work, and their years of experience. Affirmative Action had absolutely nothing to do with their success. Do you think Colin Powel became Secretary of State because of affirmative action? Do you think Denzel Washington or James Earl Jones became some of the most successful black actors because of affirmative action? Absolutely not. These individuals earned the respect of their peers and climbed to the pinnacle of their professions through education, hard work, discipline, faith in God, and dedication. Have you ever asked James Earl Jones about his Christian faith, or Denzel Washington? The power of their faith will astound you. Same with Hispanics, Asians and others. Some of the most educated and highest earning professionals in this country are Asian-Americans. Some of the most highly regarded and respected physicians are Indian-Americans. Some of the most successful baseball players of all times are Hispanic-Americans, some of the most brilliant and successful people I have met are Jews of all national origins and ethnicities, and trust me, affirmative action had absolutely nothing to do with it. Germans --- some of the most brilliant people on earth --- some of whom immigrated to the United States after World War II and completely remade our country --- gave us our Nuclear and our Space programs and more. They weren't even born here, yet they reshaped the very soul of our nation. Ever hear of Henry Kissinger? Immigrated from Germany with nothing to his name and rose to become Secretary of State. Do you think they asked for handouts or preferential treatment? I don't think so. They just worked really hard and made it to the top because they were that good and that smart...!
Even when it refers to divisions among humankind, Scripture does not employ the concept of race to do so, but rather refers to ethnicity. The term ethnicity, drawn from the Greek word for nations (ethnos, έθνος), is used to classify humanity based not on physical traits but on shared cultures, religions, land, laws, and languages. Indeed, in Abraham’s call in Genesis 12, God promised to bless “all the families of the earth” through Abraham and his offspring. Quoting Isaiah (56:7), Jesus emphasized that the temple should be “a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). This recognition of equality is echoed in Paul’s statement that Jews and Gentiles “are all one in Jesus Christ” (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:11–19).
Nevertheless, the unity of the human race should not be understood as antagonistic to its diversity. As the triune God is three persons, yet one being, who exist in perfect harmony and union with each other, our unity should also encompass unity within diversity. Whereas only Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden (representing one culture), the New Jerusalem (and Heaven) will be filled with a great multitude of people from every nation, tribe, and language coming together to worship God (Revelation 7:9–12). “The glory and honor” of distinct “nations” will enter the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:26). God wishes to exist with and bless a diverse multitude of believers from every corner of the world. Diversity among believers is clearly God’s ultimate design for the human race. Hence, ethnocentrism in the Church opposes God’s plan and is therefore sinful. In a plain sentence, Racism, therefore, is sinful.
Having said all of this, people often have very strong prejudices, biases or preferences which cannot be easily undone. This is normal and natural. People generally (with exceptions of course) gravitate toward their own kind --- people of their own race, national origin, accent, and skin color. There can be aversion or mistrust for certain other skin colors or accents, which is not present at birth, but develops as time progresses, based upon our experiences in life. Again, this is normal and natural, and I would not categorize this as racism.
I, for one, am strongly attracted to the white skin color. Always have, always will. I have only ever dated white women, and under no circumstances would I ever consider dating someone of a different skin color because I am simply not romantically attracted to them. This doesn't make me racist. It simply makes me partial to one skin color over others in matters of choice of my significant other or spouse.
Yes, I confess that over ninety (90) percent of my friends are white. Yet the other ten (10) percent come from all nationalities, ethnic origins and skin colors. I don't discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation, but I also don't go around appeasing people of different races or sexual orientations just for the sake of appeasing them as our "woke" culture is apt to do.
We are a land of opportunity for every race, religion, color, creed, ethnicity and national origin. This is why people from all over the world clamor to come here. We are the land of opportunity, and I have seen people of all colors, ethnicities, religions, and national origins be hugely successful and make millions here, because of their education, their hard work, and their years of experience. Affirmative Action had absolutely nothing to do with their success. Do you think Colin Powel became Secretary of State because of affirmative action? Do you think Denzel Washington or James Earl Jones became some of the most successful black actors because of affirmative action? Absolutely not. These individuals earned the respect of their peers and climbed to the pinnacle of their professions through education, hard work, discipline, faith in God, and dedication. Have you ever asked James Earl Jones about his Christian faith, or Denzel Washington? The power of their faith will astound you. Same with Hispanics, Asians and others. Some of the most educated and highest earning professionals in this country are Asian-Americans. Some of the most highly regarded and respected physicians are Indian-Americans. Some of the most successful baseball players of all times are Hispanic-Americans, some of the most brilliant and successful people I have met are Jews of all national origins and ethnicities, and trust me, affirmative action had absolutely nothing to do with it. Germans --- some of the most brilliant people on earth --- some of whom immigrated to the United States after World War II and completely remade our country --- gave us our Nuclear and our Space programs and more. They weren't even born here, yet they reshaped the very soul of our nation. Ever hear of Henry Kissinger? Immigrated from Germany with nothing to his name and rose to become Secretary of State. Do you think they asked for handouts or preferential treatment? I don't think so. They just worked really hard and made it to the top because they were that good and that smart...!